MYOB AccountRight and cloud storage syncing tools apparently don't play well together. MYOB AccountRight causes an issue with cloud syncing tools that is constantly trying to upload/update files called "Clearwater AU MYOX and NZ MYOB".
Affected: OneDrive and possibly, Dropbox and Google Drive.
Potential other issue: To avoid corrupting a company file, move the MYOB company file to a folder that isn't directly synced to the cloud.
You can still save backups to a cloud synced folder.
Created script to automatically remove (if they exist) the pesky MYOB Samples folder. Runs at logon and every hour.
Save the following .cmd file to %localappdata%\ITSolver\remove-MYOB-Sample-Company.cmd
rmdir "~\Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\Samples" /s /q
Run command script silently with silentcmd.vbs
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")
Dim strArgs
strArgs = "cmd /c remove-MYOB-Sample-Company.cmd"
oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false
Scheduled script to run at logon and repeated hourly.
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